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Image by Patrick Perkins

The ANAES ACP Senior Resident Talent Development Award provides an opportunity for a Senior Resident to attend a short leadership/management course and a short study trip to a renowned Academic Medical Centre overseas. It was launched in October 2018 and was made possible by the generous donations from our faculty and alumni. Through this award, we hope that the awardee will be able to learn processes from the Academic Medical Centre and return to share the observations with our ACP.

Winners of the 2020 SRTDA: 

"We are grateful and honoured to be awarded the Senior Resident Talent Development Fund (SRTDF) this year. The SRTDF has been awarded for 3 years now and is the brainchild of Prof Lim Boon Leng, which would not have been possible without overwhelming kind support from the alumni donors. Though the original purpose of the fund was to send senior residents overseas for a short stint to broaden their horizons, in light of the worldwide developing Covid situation, the fund awarded will be used this year for a local leadership development course."


- Dr Denise Lim & Dr Lucy Davies

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