ANAES ACP Newsletter
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The Full Story
After spending 16 editions known as "Newsletter of the ACP of Anaesthesiology and Perioperative Sciences" or (some uninspired iterations of the same), we have reached yet another milestone in our newsletter journey: We finally have a name!
Over several months, we invited entries from everyone in the ACP by dangling attractive prizes in our Name the Newsletter Competition.
We then let the ACP vote to choose the winning name.
Like any baby naming exercise, it was filled with good intentions (Let's give it a good and prosperous name FOR-Evarr!), obsessive deliberations (let's consult EVERYONE!), and paranoid anxiety (will it be made fun of?)
Will it have a great, meaningful and democratically chosen name that unifies and signifies ...(insert corporate cultural jargon here)? Propelling us to .... (insert more corporate strategy jargons here)??
Or will it end up like "Boaty McBoatface"?, the hilarious name that came up when the British government crowd sourced the naming of a 278 million dollars polar research boat to the internet in 2016?
I am happy to announce that the baby is indeed named, that everyone had a say in it, and that the name chosen is actually quite fitting.
The winning entry, receiving the most number of votes, is
Flow is important to an anaesthetist in so many ways:
-Blood flow
-Laminar flows
-Patient flows
-Workflows etc
But very significantly, flow states represents the psychologically optimised experience when skill balances challenge, creating a sense of well being. of connection, purpose and joy.
(That is just my definition. For more information on Flow states: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flow_(psychology)
For the ACP, I think it also represents the sharing of information, ideas, and creativity.
I am sure there are many more examples of why we think this is a great name for our newsletter.
For this issue, we also designed a logo for the name (credit: Dr Tan Li Hoon)
-Flow state propelled by a wavey arrow, signifying directions, purpose, and harmonic oscillations.
Tell us what you think!
Well, we want to thank everyone who contributed their ideas for the entries, and everyone who voted (more details here). It has been fun getting everyone involved in the whole process. We hope that, under your collective love and care, Flow will continue to grow and develop and flourish, so that we will continue to bring you information, inspirations, and connections across the ACP.
Till next time, may the Flow be forever in your favour!
Siow Yew Nam

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