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Sweet 16

Welcome to the 16th Edition of the ACP's Newsletter.


Looking back, we have certainly learned a lot while bringing the different editions through various iterations and (hopefully improvements). After 16 editions, we thought it was time for some reflections.


Starting with Why.


We always knew that the purpose of the newsletter was to be one part of the overall strategy to engage members of the ACP.

Its purpose is to inform, to involve, and hopefully to inspire engagement.


What is our focus?


If the atomic unit of the ACP is the individual member, then the links that connect them all together are the stories of its members. We knew we had to focus the newsletter on individuals, and on telling their stories. We believe that each story represents a microcosm of the aspirations of its connected individuals and communities. The more stories we share, and the more people we get to share them, the more awareness, and hopefully connections we will create between the ACP and its members. In time, we hope that this awareness and connectedness will also lead to common understanding, trust and collaboration. 


For this issue, in our Person section, our star reporter Lucy Davies gets close and personal with our very own Madam / Prof Ong Biauw Chi, the Lady of the moment best known for her cool head, warm heart, and very many hot Cheong Sams. She shares with us pearls of wisdom on life, improvisation,  and the importance of timing.


Our new Technology section (Sub edited by Jonathan Cheng) features a contemplation by our resident Christopher Mathews on how technology has changed the way he learns and study in this pandemic, while Deborah Khoo CLERly has great artistic talents judging from the amazing illustration she provided for our piece on the Senior Residents' CLER review in KKH. Josephine Tan, mentor for the Airway SIG and sub-editor for our Airway section, takes us down memory lane on the evolution of masks.


In our "Department" Section, Daphne Moo and Prit Singh from CGH Anaesthesia shares their department's  Extra-Curricular activities, as well as a great recipe.

And not forgetting Shin Yuet (after sharing her thoughts on SIM SET)and Evangeline Lim's  revealing expose on the latest Virtual Master De-briefer course, 


Last but certainly not least, it's high time that we have a proper inspired name for our newsletter, y'all! We are very excited to announce the "Say My Name, Say My Name" Competition to name our newsletter. (Those of you old enough to get the reference are... old enough) Connect with your inner creative "Child", send in your entree, and you might just have it in your "Destiny" to win the attractive prize! Details within the newsletter.


We hope you enjoy this edition as much as we have enjoyed bringing it to you.


Until next time, take care!


Yew Nam


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