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Asian Society of Paediatric Anaesthetists (ASPA) Digital Conference 2021

Writer's picture: ClinicalClinical

The Department of Paediatric Anaesthesia, in collaboration with The Asian Society of Paediatric Anaesthetists (ASPA), organised the first fully digital ASPA Conference in November, 2021.

Over the course of 2 weekends , the conference covered a wide range of topics, included several workshops, and many exciting and relevant topical tracks.

We had close to a thousand participants across 51 countries, and had international faculties from major paediatric hospitals.

Below, we include programme highlights, as well as video links that you can view the lectures and sessions (until Jan 14th 2021).

Pre Conference Workshops:

A) Paediatric Perioperative Life Support Course

B) Paediatric Airway Course

C) Quality Improvement Workshop conducted by the Wake Up Safe group from North American network of Paediatric Hospitals, organised in collaboration with the Institute of Patient Safety and Quality, SingHealth.

Day 1 Plenary Sessions:

A) Improving neurological outcomes in paediatric anaesthesia

Prof Sulpicio SORIANO, USA. Moderator: Dr Choon Looi BONG, Singapore

B) Advances in perioperative paediatric pain management

Prof Allen FINLEY, Canada. Moderator: Dr Angela YEO, Singapore

Video Link: (Valid Till Jan 14 2022)

Day 2 Plenary Sessions:

A) Quality culture- past, present and future

A/Prof Hwei Yee TAI, Singapore. Moderator: Dr Yew Nam SIOW, Singapore

B) Unlocking the secrets of the developing brain

Prof Patrick PURDON, USA. Moderator: Dr Choon Looi BONG, Singapore

Video Link: (Valid Till Jan 14 2022)


EEG Workshop

Moderators: Prof Patrick PURDON, USA, Dr Choon Looi BONG, Singapore, Dr Melody LONG, Singapore

This workshop aims to demonstrate the clinical usefulness of Electroencephalography (EEG) monitoring in children, and equip clinicians with the basic knowledge and practical skills required to perform intraoperative EEG monitoring. We will deliver a series of mini-lectures and case-based discussions combined with interactive live polls and Q+A sessions.

Video Link: (Valid Till Jan 14 2022)

Vascular Access

Moderator: Prof Jin-Tae KIM, Republic of Korea, Dr Satish REDDY, Singapore

Topics to be discussed include:

Long term vascular access including PICC lines and Hickman lines, Medium duration vascular access with midline catheter, Approach for centrally inserted catheter in neonates and intraosseous access in children, Ultrasound-guided techniques and Tips for better success in maintaining these access devices.

Video Link: (Valid Till Jan 14 2022):

Paediatric Cardiac Anaesthesia

Moderators: Dr Ayten SARACOGLU, Turkey, Dr Angela TAN, Singapore

Blood shortage is the other issue faced globally during this pandemic concerning all of us. In the second part of the track, we shift our attention to point of care coagulation tests and the use factor/ fibrinogen concentrates. This section, covered by three distinguished speakers, will target different aspects of use of point of care coagulation tests to tailor use of blood products as well as alternatives such as factor/fibrinogen concentrates.

Video Link: (Valid Till Jan 14 2022):

Medical Education Track

This track is for those who are interested in the training of paediatric anaesthesiologists from a program development perspective and also exploring the role that simulation plays in this training. We have 3 eminent speakers who will share their experiences in developing a paediatric anaesthesiology fellowship and conducting simulation in resource-challenged and high workload settings in Asia, and provide a glimpse into state of the art in paediatric anaesthesia simulation. The future of paediatric anaesthesiology training will be discussed by our panel of speakers.

Sunday, November 14

Video Link: (Valid Till Jan 14 2022):

Pain Track

In this year of many firsts, ASPA is proud to present its first Paediatric Pain Track replete with illustrious speakers from Canada, USA, Australia, Korea, India, Hong Kong and Singapore! This conference’s pain track follows a little girl’s journey from diagnosis of her cancer to her eventual rehabilitation. We start with an understanding of how anxiety contributes to a child’s pain, where and how drugs work in the pain pathway, then explore how painful diagnostic procedures such as intravenous cannulation or lumbar punctures can be made more tolerable for little ones. From then, we will learn how to use opioids judiciously in paediatric cancer pain and what other adjuvants and non-drug techniques can be used before looking at how regional anaesthetic techniques can benefit a child undergoing oncological surgery. Thereafter, we will touch on phantom limb pain prevention and management strategies before ending with a heartening look at how our allied health colleagues help our patients learn how to play again. This track is meant for all clinicians interested in easing a child’s journey through cancer.

(a) Pain (Part 1) Saturday, November 13, 2021

Video Link: (Valid Till Jan 14 2022):

(b) Pain (Part 2) Saturday, November 13


Moderators :Prof Johan DIEDERICKS, South Africa, Dr Josephine TAN, Singapore

The aim of this track is to provide insight into evaluation, stabilization and treatment of infants and children involved in major trauma, review the principles of trauma resuscitation and identify key factors essential for field team support and transfer of these patients. Our speakers will discuss traumatic brain injury outcomes in Asia, paediatric burns, complex paediatric polytrauma, damage control resuscitation and improving transport outcomes.

Video Link: (Valid Till Jan 14 2022):

Neuro Anaesthesia

Moderators: Dr Geraldine JOSE, Philippines, Dr Nicholas LANYON, UK, Dr Charis KHOO, Singapore

Trauma and tumours are common neurosurgical conditions in children. Striving to balance the developing neurological and physiological status of the patient with the demands of the surgery, in the context of available resources, can be a challenging task for the anaesthetist.

As such, we have endeavoured to engage expertise from several regions – India, Southeast Asia, Philippines, and the United Kingdom, to share their experiences in a panel discussion. Join us as we discuss the challenges and practical solutions in this area of neurosurgery.

Video Link: (Valid Till Jan 14 2022):


Moderators: Dr Usha NAIR, Malaysia, Dr Teddy FABILA, Singapore

This session will highlight three challenging cases using the TIVA technique; an infant for neurosurgery needing intraoperative neuromonitoring, an infant coming for endoscopic airway assessment, and an anxious child coming for ambulatory surgery.

At the end of the session, we will be sharing basic principles and tips for paediatric TIVA, as well as useful practical techniques which may be applied in similar challenging paediatric cases.

Video Link: (Valid Till Jan 14 2022):



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