Year End Reflections & Tidings
It is said that adversity does not build character, it reveals it. 2021 was another year that tested our limits and I am grateful for how it revealed the incredible spirit of my fellow healthcare workers. The camaraderie pushed us to achieve what would have been thought to be impossible. Whether it was adjusting to a new role, solving novel and vexing problems, combating our innate fears or just trying to do the routine things that have become much harder with all the restrictions, the knowledge that we are in this together and that we will emerge stronger was so important on a day to day basis. I am privileged to have witnessed so many kind and inspirational acts in the face of this protracted crisis.
- A/Prof Soh Chai Rick
2021 has been a great year for the education committee. In March, A/Prof Raymond Goy, A/Prof Eileen Lew and A/Prof Farida Ithnin partnered Dr Dujeepa and his team from CenMED to co-organise a mentorship workshop for ACP colleagues who are mentors to others.
Also in March, Dr Jerry Tan and the leads for medical students co-organised an event to engage medical students from the 3 medical schools. The event was an opportunity for medical students to know about the practice of Perioperative medicine. The event started with a quick round of introduction of everyone. A couple of Anaesthesiology residents shared with the students their career in Anaesthesiology. The event ended with a non-Anaesthesiology related quiz. Prizes were won and everyone had a good experience.
In June we co-organised the academia evening. Scholarly awards including publication awards and inspiring teacher awards were presented.
Between May & July, the workgroup on research in education organised a workshop QR101 where participants learn the applications of qualitative research.
For ACP retreat we invited Professor Davy Cheng to share his views on nurturing leadership. The breakout session was led by Dr Tan Li Hoon where the theme on leadership was developed further with senior and junior colleagues. The recommendation to the education committee was fully adopted and we will be organising workshops in 2022 to develop leadership in Anaesthesiology.
A few members of the education committee have assumed bigger roles in SingHealth. A/Prof Darren Koh relinquished his role as Program Director for SingHealth Anaesthesiology Residency program to assume a double role of Associate Dean, SGH for YLL SoM, and Clinical Education Lead for SGH. Dr May Mok, who was leading education research for our ACP, was appointed as the Program Director of SHARP following recommendations by a search committee. A/Prof Raymond Goy who is still leading professional development in our ACP assumed the role of Education Director for KKH. Dr Tan Li Hoon and Dr May Mok earned their mark as Certified Healthcare Simulation Educators.
All in all, 2021 has been a rewarding and fruitful year for the education pillar.
- Prof Hwang Nian Chih
In many Chinese paintings, the Ox is depicted as a placid animal, helping man till the land and reap harvest. This year’s Ox reminds me more of the raging bulls you see in a Spanish bull fight. Just when you think we can return to some form of normalcy, COVID charges at us again with a new variant.
It does give me comfort, though, that our Singhealth Anaesthesiology community has continued to adapt and tap on our strengths to collaborate within our own field and with other ACPs to improve patient care. Quality Improvement projects, new/revised clinical workflows and ERAS guidelines, video consults, patient safety initiatives and the list goes on. May we continue to spur each other on in our journey to clinical excellence. Happy New Year!
- Dr Teo Li Ming
Wishing everyone a great festive season and Happy New Year!
Reflecting on 2021, the ANAES ACP research has been very active and a lot of good scientific academic work has been achieved. For example, there are collaborative efforts in pain research across all our Singhealth Anaesthesiology departments. Our research output has grown from strength to strength with academic papers, research grants and innovations, all with the ultimate goal of improving patient care. Let us continue our journey into the new year and build on our academic excellence!
- A/Prof Sng Ban Leong
As 2021 comes to an end, we can be thankful that our fellow hospital colleagues remain well and motivated despite the many disruptions and changes we faced daily as we battled the COVID-19 infections in our community and hospitals. We all have learnt to adapt with living with the virus and even excelled with practical innovations and process re-engineering that keep our patients, our residents and ourselves safe. We can count our blessings to be living in Singapore during this pandemic as we witness the relative high fatalities and overwhelmed healthcare systems plaguing many other countries, rich and poor.
It is at these times we begin to appreciate the goals and mission of Academic Medicine, where we can communicate, co-operate and collaborate for new knowledge, novel therapies and better solutions to the many loopholes and barriers in patient safety, risk management and systems security in our healthcare system.
Anaesthesiology and Perioperative Sciences cover diverse knowledge domains and strengths, and it is the ability to pull our resources together through grants, donations and philanthropy efforts that we can continue to advance our specialty profile and relevance to the public and policy makers. The many talents we have in our midst have constantly brought a breath of freshness and excitement to the many programs we enjoyed over the past year, and we will continue to do better in the coming year.
Besides battling the Omicron wave with new solutions in 2022, our ACP has casted our focus on how Anaesthesiology can contribute to the Singapore Green Plan 2030. Efforts have already begun in other industries with waste recycling, energy conservation, environmental conservation and sustainable developments. We will study the impact on how anaesthesia drugs, processes and wastes have on climate change. We will look into the recycling of plastic waste when utilisation of much single used protective gears, gloves, infusion lines, and syringes have been accepted thrown away items in our daily clinical practices.
As we say goodbye to 2021, we welcome the December holidays as we spent quality time with our families and loved ones. Once recharged, we do look forward to a safe and successful 2022 New Year.
Together We Can.
- A/Prof Chan Yew Weng